Legal scholars and computer programmers have been predicting the effect of generative artificial intelligence (A.I.) in the legal system for years. A.I. has tremendous potential to provide broad efficiency and accessibility in many areas of the law and in law practice. But another reason for the sudden interest in discussing generative A.I. and its effect on the practice of law is its potential misuses.
Read MoreFiling an appeal is an important part of the litigation process. As a litigator, you must be thinking about the possibility of an appeal before, during, and after each trial or hearing. One misstep at any stage of the process could undermine your ability to file an appeal when necessary. Here are five critical mistakes Florida litigators make throughout the litigation process that often jeopardize the ability to file an appeal.
Read MoreOne of the most frequently asked questions is “how much does an appeal cost?”
As is the case for most answers in the legal field, the answer to this question is: “it depends.” Each appeal is unique and you truly don’t know how long it will take until it’s over. However, over the years we have seen patterns that can help us estimate those cost of an appeal.
Read MoreThe key to being a successful litigator in today’s competitive litigation market is to prioritize your time—specifically, your billable hours—and in doing so, to save money for yourself and your client. The best way to do this is to hire a litigation support professional who provides services in the areas of your practice in which you are spending the most time but receiving the least value in return.
Read MoreA legal writing service can give you all three!
If you have never experience working with a great legal writing service, it can be a game changer for your firm.
Hiring a ;egal writing service immediately takes projects off your plate, giving you more time back.
Read MoreIf you’re thinking of hiring a legal writing service but then have the thought: “no I’ll just hire an associate, it’s cheaper” … think again!
The real cost of hiring an associate far exceeds the salary. Most firms don’t consider all the extras that more than double the cost of having an associate on staff full time.
Read MoreIf you run a small firm, you’re already familiar with the reality that you have to wear multiple hats; hats that include lead attorney, human resources manager, office manager, CEO, CFO, marketing director, sales director, and customer service, to name a few. Wearing all these hats while still staying on top of every case deadline and getting out ahead of your cases is nearly impossible. This is why most small firm owners end up only working on putting out the fires in their firm instead of moving cases forward proactively. In this way, firms leave money on the table in cases that should have concluded but have been neglected.
Read MoreLitigation Support Specialists are known by many names: freelance attorney, ghostwriter, flex-time attorney, contract attorney, outsource attorney, law clerk, etc.
Here at Eximius we prefer the term Legal Research and Writing Specialist (yes it’s a mouthful but it’s the name that captures the essence of what we do better than anyone else). For short, let’s call us Legal Specialists or, simply, Specialists.
If you’ve never worked with a Legal Specialist, here are five reasons why you are missing out.
Read MoreLegal research and writing can be tedious for some lawyers and, unfortunately, that tends to show as many legal documents are unnecessarily long, dull, and generally not likely to be read to completion. By following these simple five tips below, you’ll ensure that your legal documents are more interesting and better researched than your opponent’s.
Read MoreIf you’re a solo or small firm owner and you’ve never tried working with a Legal Research and Writing Specialist (aka Litigation Support Specialist), you’re missing out!
If you have worked with a Specialist but you want a smoother, better experience, here are 3 things you should be doing to get the most out of your collaboration.
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