Motion Practice
I can provide signature-ready motions, responses, and memoranda or help you organize and finalize your own draft. During the drafting process, I collaborate as much or as little as requested. My top priority is always to provide you with a concise and persuasive document which reflects your arguments as you wish to present them.
Every project begins with an assessment of the issues to make sure you get exactly what you are looking for within your deadline and budget.
I offer collaborative brief writing services to attorneys who need help formulating, organizing, preparing, or revising appellate briefs, As with any writing project, I collaborate as much or as little as you require.
After nearly a decade of honing my legal research and writing skills, I can help you craft the most persuasive application of the law to the facts in your particular case. Don't spend hours working yourself to death, call me instead.
Sometimes, a written product is unnecessary but you need someone to:
Review an issue with a fresh pair of eyes
Find a creative angle to a problem
Help you strategize on a particular issue or on your entire case
Listen to your argument in order to identify the gaps or missing pieces
Play devil’s advocate for an upcoming hearing
One of my favorite things to do is to help you fine tune your arguments and find innovative ways around a problematic issue.
Legal Research
Looking for cases to support, supplement, or oppose an argument? Let me help you find them.
I specialize in providing thorough legal research for Florida and Federal issues.
Additionally, if you need an analysis of a particular issue or cause of action, I can provide you with research on both sides of the argument so that you can make the best decision for your case.